
16 December, 2024

Oil Painting on Canvas
90 x 120 cm

Before I started painting, I spent many years playing in bands and touring. Music was a huge part of my life, but I had to step back due to health issues. That challenging transition led me to explore a new path, and I found painting. After three years of practice, I’m now ready to take on a cool project. I’ll be interviewing and creating portraits of people who inspire me—mostly musicians, but also other underground artists I admire. This project feels like a way to merge my old passion for music with my new love for painting.

I’m starting with people from Guangzhou, the city I live in. This is the first interview in the series, featuring Nana, a guitarist who plays in various bands. The interview was conducted in Chinese (by email) and then translated into English. I’m not a professional translator, so I apologize for any mistakes. I’ll aim to upload a new interview and portrait every two months, though we’ll see. No pressure—I need a month to finish each painting!


1. 请您做一下自我介绍。Please introduce yourself.

My name is Nanase, but my friends like to call me Nana. Right now, my life revolves around my day job and playing in some indie bands.

2. 您可以告诉我们您进入音乐世界的历程吗?Could you tell us about your journey into music?


For me, an important part of my journey was developing an interest in various types of music. As a child, I discovered a lot of pop music through Hong Kong TV channels—Chinese, Japanese, and Western music all caught my attention. I thought it was all so cool. I also loved the theme songs and ending songs from Hong Kong dramas and Japanese anime. I used to erase the recordings on the cassette tapes we received at school for listening practice and replace them with my own compilations of these songs.

When I got a little older, in middle school, I became obsessed with music magazines. I would look up the songs they mentioned, especially the ones that seemed mysterious to me. I’d search for them online, save the ones I liked, and even pay people to help me burn CDs. That’s when I developed the habit of actively seeking out music I hadn’t heard before, constantly exploring new genres.

One of the most impactful influences was a shop near my middle school in Jiangmen City called “趣园” (Fun Garden). It sold idol merchandise, anime related goods, and rock CDs. After school, I’d walk by it every day. I often bought photos and posters of Japanese and Hong Kong idols or anime-related items. But what fascinated me most was one wall in the store covered with CDs of Western rock music—well-known bands in various styles, with covers that are beautiful, strange, or bold and intense, which are attractive to me.

Every day after school, I’d stand there staring at the album covers, imagining what kind of music might be inside. At that time, music websites were not as developed as they are today, so many songs were not readily available online, and I didn’t have much money to buy the CDs as a teenager, so I could only admire them in the store.

3. 是什么启发您开始玩音乐的?您是如何第一次拿起吉他并学习的?您听的第一张专辑是什么?What inspired you to start playing music? How did you first pick up the guitar and learn? What was the first album you listened to?

从小就很喜欢唱歌,包括中文、英文、日文的流行音乐。开始学吉他是大学之后,开始认识会弹吉他的朋友,立刻就让朋友教我弹。听的第一张专辑已经不记得是什么了,应该是香港的流行歌曲。小时候听的音乐印象最深的是日本女歌手相川七濑的《ID》,歌手名字aikawa nanase也是nanase这个名字的来源。她当时在亚洲都很火,5-10块钱就可以买到盗版CD(当时到处都有这种店铺),最早接触的摇滚乐可能就是她的音乐。

I’ve loved singing since I was a child—whether it was Chinese, English, or Japanese pop songs, I would always sing them. I started learning guitar in university when I met friends who could play. I immediately asked them to teach me, and that’s how it began.
As for the first album I listened to, I can’t remember exactly, but it was probably a collection of Hong Kong pop songs. What left the deepest impression on me as a child was the album ID by Japanese singer Aikawa Nanase. In fact, my name, Nanase, comes from her. She was incredibly popular across Asia at the time. You could buy a pirated CD for just 5 to 10 yuan (those shops were everywhere back then). Her music was likely my first exposure to rock.

4. 您如何定义您的音乐风格?How would you define your music style?


It’s like an imagined kind of music, or a collection of impressions of the music I love. It represents different versions of myself from parallel worlds.

5. 对您影响最大的音乐人是谁?Who are your biggest musical influences?

我在中学的时候听到Dir en grey的《鬼葬》这张专辑,对我后来的音乐偏好有很大的影响,他们的音乐很疯狂、世界观比较黑暗而且充满迷幻色彩,MV也充满了视觉刺激,也是这个乐队让我注意到贝斯的声音能营造很独特的氛围。后来听到Television和The Smiths这样的乐队,开始沉迷上了弹吉他,我希望学会他们每一首歌的吉他。人间椅子这个日本乐队也是对我影响很大,他们已经30周年了依然在创作和演出,在他们新作品里的激情一点也没有减少,甚至更激烈。Lush对我最开始尝试创作和组乐队有很多启发,听她们的音乐会让我充满灵感,她们是我最喜爱的女性音乐人之一。这些乐队的音乐听起来似乎风格完全不同,但是我都同样的喜爱。

When I was in middle school, I listened to the album きそう(Kisou) by Dir En Grey, and it had a huge impact on my musical preferences. Their music is wild, with a dark, psychedelic worldview and a lot of visual stimulation. It was also this band that made me realize how the bass can create such a unique atmosphere.

Later, I discovered bands like Television and The Smiths, and I became obsessed with playing guitar. I wanted to learn every song they played. The Japanese band Ningen Isu (Human Chair) has also had a big influence on me. They’ve been around for 30 years, still creating and performing, and their passion in their new work hasn’t faded—it’s even become more intense.

Lush also inspired me when I first started creating music and forming a band. Their music fills me with inspiration, and they are one of my favorite female artists.

The music of these bands seems to have completely different styles, but I love them all equally.

6. 您会从非音乐的来源中汲取灵感吗?比如电影、书籍或视觉艺术?Do you take inspiration from non-musical sources, like films, books, or visual art?


Yes, I do. Sometimes I play guitar while watching movies, matching the sounds to the scenes, and then developing them into a song. I especially enjoy doing this with old silent films, stop-motion animations, or cult horror movies. I’ve also written lyrics based on stories from films. If a documentary or an animal story moves me, I’ll try to come up with lyrics inspired by it.

7. 除了音乐,您还有哪些其他爱好?我听说您非常喜欢猫? Besides music, what other hobbies do you have? I heard you're really fond of cats.


Before I started focusing on music creation, I spent a lot of time reading, watching movies, and reading comics. I also have a habit of creating playlists, categorizing the music I listen to based on similar characteristics (in a very subjective way, just for myself). After joining a band, it feels like I have less and less time for things outside of music, especially since I don't have much energy left after work.

For a while, I also took basic pop dance lessons to stay fit. Although I didn't stick with it for long due to various reasons, I feel that if music hadn’t already taken up most of my free time, I might have become more obsessed with dancing. In middle school, I really liked basketball, so I guess I enjoy activities that are more physically engaging.

As for raising cats, I think it’s just a lifestyle habit. I really love animals, and cats are relatively easy to take care of. I also appreciate their independent personalities.

8. 您可以介绍一下您目前参与的音乐项目吗?如果愿意,也可以谈谈过去的项目或合作。Can you introduce the music projects you're currently involved in? 

有话乐队(dreampop/noise rock/psychedelic)
这是一个已经做了5年的音乐项目,去年发表一张正式EP 《话音刚落》。最初是由我和主唱捞鱼两人发起,然后找到贝斯欣仔和鼓手豆子完成组建的乐队。最初也是以我们一些卧室作品为基础进行乐队编曲,一开始比较偏梦幻流行氛围,后来逐渐加大贝斯和鼓的比重,在鼓和贝斯的节奏基础上再加入吉他和人声,也开始尝试一些更重和激烈的摇滚作品。


这是一个家居创作项目,人员包括我、有话的鼓手-豆子,想想乐队的吉他手-宽宽。我们会把平时各自做的一些简单有趣的小动机小乐段发展出的歌、一些我们不适合放在已有乐队的作品放在这个项目里。这里会有一些轻松俏皮的歌曲,可能听起来会cute一些。现在已经上线网易云/spotify等音乐网站,暂时只有3首曲子,但我们打算会继续发作品其他做过的音乐项目还有Hawaii Gangsta(后朋克),Shiver Shadow (surf、noise punk、不同的indie曲风都有尝试过)

Here are the music projects I'm currently involved in:
有话 (A Fishy Tale) (dreampop/noise rock/psychedelic)
This is a music project that has been ongoing for five years. We released a formal EP titled话音刚落 Hua Yin Gang Luo (As the Words Drop) last year. It was initially started by me and the lead singer, Lao Yu, and later we brought in bassist Xin Zai and drummer Dou Zi to complete the band. At first, we based the band's arrangements on some of our bedroom recordings, with a dreamy pop atmosphere. Over time, we gradually increased the prominence of bass and drums, adding guitar and vocals on top of their rhythm foundation. We've also started experimenting with heavier and more intense rock music.

心杂音(Xin Za Yin) (Twee/emo/improvise)
This band was started by my good friend Morgan from France. For me, it's a music project with fewer pressures, where the music is simple, direct, and free. I mainly play rhythm guitar, focusing on developing Morgan's musical ideas.

KND (Lofi/Twee/Bedroom) 
This is a home-based music project that includes me, Douzi, the drummer from有话 (A Fishy Tale), and Kuan Kuan, the guitarist from Xiang Xiang band (想想乐队). We take simple and fun musical ideas and short sections we each create in our spare time and develop them into full songs. Some tracks that don't quite fit with our other bands end up here. The music is light, playful, and has a cute vibe. Currently, we have three tracks available on platforms like NetEase Cloud and Spotify, and we plan to release more in the future.

Other music projects I've been involved in include Hawaii Gangsta (post-punk) and Shiver Shadow (surf, noise punk, and various indie styles).
These are the music projects I’m currently working on or have worked on in the past. Most of them have left some traces online, such as songs or live performances.

9. 是什么激励您创作并参与不同的乐队?您在每个乐队中的音乐是否有共同的主题或线索,还是每个项目都有独特的情感和体验?What motivates you to create and be part of different bands? Is there a common theme or thread that runs through the music you've made with each group, or is every project distinctly different, offering you unique emotions and experiences?


Because I enjoy various types of music, I get to experiment with different genres in different bands. The creative process and experience in each project are completely different. For example, in the band有话 (A Fishy Tale), we start with some riffs and then improvise together multiple times until we find a section everyone likes to arrange. This requires intense focus, gathering inspiration, and a lot of collaboration, and the performance itself can be quite challenging. There are also projects where I only need to add my guitar to someone else's ideas, and I’ve even worked on projects where I created the demo and arrangements independently, and the other members just played based on what I had done. But I don't really enjoy that approach, so I gradually moved away from it.

10. 您可以带我们了解一下您的创作过程吗?您如何进行歌曲创作或编写吉他部分?在创作音乐时,您首先考虑的是旋律、即兴演奏还是您想表达的情感?Can you walk us through your creative process? How do you approach songwriting or composing your guitar parts? When writing music, what comes first for you—the melody, a riff, or an emotional feeling you want to express?


I might start with a simple instrumental riff or chord progression, or sometimes I'll begin with a basic vocal line and then arrange the instruments around it. Generally, I tend to focus on creating an interesting instrumental part first before adding the vocals. I pay a lot of attention to the harmony of the instruments and the atmosphere they create. When I’m working alone, I first consider the overall style I want, followed by the rhythm. Then I work on the riff or the core harmony, and at this point, I start thinking about the emotion I want to convey, which helps me come up with a melody that fits the mood and atmosphere.

11. 在不同的乐队中,您是如何处理合作的?您是否会根据乐队或项目的不同担任不同的角色?How do you approach collaboration in your various bands? Do you take on different roles depending on the band or project?


In all the bands, I take on the role of guitarist. However, in some projects, I lean more towards being the lead guitarist, responsible for creating the main melody and even arranging the entire song. In other projects, I focus on rhythm guitar, providing a background for others to build upon. This depends on who initiated the project, whose ideas drive it, and what role the other members take on.

12. 我听说您的日程非常忙碌,白天工作,晚上练习音乐。您能分享一下您的生活方式吗?您是如何平衡个人生活、音乐承诺和工作的?I've heard you have a very busy schedule, working during the day and practicing music every night. Can you share a bit about your lifestyle? How do you manage to balance your personal life, musical commitments, and work?


I haven't really found balance. If there's no rehearsal in the evening, I usually feel very tired as soon as I get home from work, so I take a nap for a few hours. I wake up around 11 or 12 at night to start working on music, then go to sleep around 3 a.m., waking up again at 8 a.m. for work. This means I'm often sleep-deprived and frequently late (for work). Occasionally, I try to do nothing after work to adjust my sleep schedule, but usually, a regular routine doesn't last more than a week. In life, I feel like I'm mostly low-energy, and I'm constantly trying to find ways to improve my mental state.

13. 您在音乐方面有具体的目标吗?您是否希望将音乐作为全职职业来追求?Do you have any specific goals in music? Are you aiming to pursue it as a full-time professional career?


My goal is to continuously create new songs, play sounds I've never played before, and share my music with as many people as possible. I'd also like to reach a point where I can improvise on the guitar freely. However, I don't plan to pursue music as a full-time career because, as a profession, I'd have to think about how to make more people like it, and that would take away my freedom in music. On the other hand, I feel that my musical skills are still far from the level required for a full-time music career. If I had started music production 10 years earlier or had practiced the guitar to a higher level, maybe it would have been possible.

14. 作为一名摇滚界的女性,您觉得自己是否需要打破刻板印象,或者相比男性同行面临独特的挑战。As a woman in the rock scene, do you feel you’ve had to break stereotypes or face unique challenges compared to your male counterparts?


Yes. Regarding the unique challenges that come with gender, I feel that there are actually quite a few female musicians in Guangzhou’s rock scene, and most of them are young, so the gender difference isn't that obvious. But this only represents my personal experience. As for stereotypes, I think they are widespread, not just in rock music but in many other fields as well. I don't feel the need to specifically break them, because you can’t change those with stereotypes unless they are willing to change their perspective themselves.

15. 您对广州目前的独立音乐 scene 有什么看法?那中国的呢?What are your thoughts on the current state of the independent music scene in Guangzhou? And China?


The independent music scene in Guangzhou is still quite vibrant, with many bands and a lot of mutual support. However, many bands struggle to effectively promote themselves or expand their audience. Small bands often find it difficult to sell enough tickets to cover the basic cost for their shows, with limited audiences attending. Many music fans tend to prefer attending concerts by well-known or established bands at larger venues. Of course, the band's skill level is crucial, but many new bands still need external support to take things to the next level, whether in terms of resources or exposure. For instance, producing high-quality recordings requires a lot of money, but it's almost impossible to raise funds for production through ticket sales since you need good recordings to boost your influence and sell enough tickets. It’s a classic "chicken and egg" situation.

That said, when I talk to friends from different cities, they feel that the band scene in Guangzhou is relatively good. The rehearsal and living costs are reasonable, and there are even some free venues for performances. So, I think Guangzhou is one of the better cities in China for bands. I haven't experienced other cities much, though.

Overall, I think the independent music scene in China is far from ideal. If there's financial pressure, it can be painful to pursue specific goals. But there are many people who are trying to change the situation—independent labels, bands, fans, and event organizers—these are all aspects we should cherish.

16. 是否有来自广州或中国其他地方的本地或地下乐队启发了您?Are there any local or underground bands from Guangzhou or elsewhere in China that inspire you?

PK14, 七八点等.

17. 如果您可以与任何艺术家合作,不论是已故的还是在世的,您会选择谁?If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be?


Any of the bands that have influenced me, as mentioned above, would be a great choice. In the future, if given the opportunity, I would love to collaborate with the Japanese singer Jun Togawa.

18. 现场演出中您最喜欢的部分是什么?在中国(或国外)有没有特别难忘的演出经历?What’s your favorite part about performing live? Is there a specific venue or city in China (or abroad) where you’ve had an unforgettable concert experience?

现场演出最喜欢的部分是沉浸和忘我的感觉。比较难忘的演出经验,我觉得一次是2024年新年在池塘之底的跨年,有话在演出中间跟观众们一起倒数迎接新的一年,当时一起演出的乐队和观众很多都是我们的好友,池塘之底不久之后也结业了,很多朋友都还很怀念这里的演出回忆。还有就是近一年在香港的演出体验(有话和Shiver Shadow都曾去过香港演出,在youtube上有相关视频),观众都玩得很投入和释放,所以我们也演得很开心。目前其实除了常驻的广州,我去过的外地演出并不算多。接下来一年有话乐队会去更多城市,希望未来体验到更多新的演出场景。

My favorite part about performing live is the sense of immersion and losing myself in the moment. One of the most memorable performances was our New Year's Eve show at 'Chitang Zhi Di' (Ben: A DIY place in Guangzhou) in 2024. During the performance, A Fishy Tale counted down the new year with the audience. Many of the other bands and the audience were our friends, and shortly after, 'Chitang Zhi Di' closed down. A lot of people still fondly remember the shows held there. Another unforgettable experience was performing in Hong Kong last year (both A Fishy Tale and Shiver Shadow performed there, and there are videos available on YouTube). The audience was fully engaged and free-spirited, which made us perform with great joy. So far, apart from regular shows in Guangzhou, I haven’t played many shows in other cities. Next year, A Fishy Tale will perform in more cities, and I look forward to experiencing more new performance scenes.

19. 您如何看待有话以及您其他项目的未来 ? How do you see the future of 有话(A Fishy Tale) and your other projects?


 I hope to continue creating for a long time and maintain my imagination. In addition to focusing on A Fishy Tale, I also hope to have the energy to independently complete a personalized project and explore more interesting things.

Here the link to Nana’s present music projects:

有话(A Fishy Tale)

On bandcamp:
On spotify:

Xin Za Yin


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